Read some of the things that we have to do to ensure that your chosen puppy is healthy, happy and socialised.
DEFRA Dog Breeding Licence Application Guidance
Our breeding labrador ladies generally come into season twice a year. We are permitted to breed from each of them no sooner than once every 12 months, for a maximum of four occasions in their lifetime.
Each of our ladies has been health checked and receives regular vaccinations and pest treatment. They are exercised at least 2 hours a day and accompany us at meal times, on journeys in the car and in the evening in the living room. They basically have a life of Riley!
We choose the sire for our puppies carefully, calculating interbreeding coefficients to ensure that these are as low as possible. 6.5% is the national average. Keeping this low, reduces possibilities of inherited diseases.
All our puppies are born in the house, with immediate attention available should they need it. The mum and puppies under 4 weeks' old are monitored regularly, kept in warm and clean environments and every need provided for. When the puppies reach 4 weeks old, their teeth start to come through, so mum naturally starts the process of weaning herself. We introduce the puppies to supplemented milk meals, slowly making the mix more solid as they grow older. At no time are they physically separated from their mother.
We work hard to ensure that your puppies are well rounded and happy little people before they come to you. They are socialised with all our other dogs as soon as they leave their whelping bed and move on up to their own puppy pen. They sleep in the same room as the other dogs, they play in the garden with them and also are socialised around our family members and grandchildren.
We introduce them to other aspects that they may come across as they grow up such as tug of war, bubbles, sand pits, grass, gravel, aeroplanes and helicopters above, chickens, sheep and bulls in the other fields. They become used to the sounds of the vaccum cleaner, steam cleaner and washing machine.
We also start their toilet training and they become accustomed to recall commands.
Melisandre Labradors
Little Horwood, Buckinghamshire